COYO w/ Chocolate Maca Granola


I’m pretty sure I dreamt about this stuff last night.

If you are anything like me, you find yourself getting excited for tomorrow morning’s breakfast as you are trying to fall asleep. I couldn’t help it, I kept tossing and turning because I knew I would have a big bowl of COYO – coconut yogurt – with chocolate maca granola (maca is ENERGIZING) and fresh yummy strawberries, raspberries and pineapple!

OH, such a lovely morning treat!

I’m going to try to make my own once I hunt down some COYO worthy bacteria and play around with the consistency. Many COYO’s out there are thickened with agar agar, guar gum, xanthan gum or carrageenan wax. Sure, they are deemed ‘natural’ but I’m still not crazy about the textures they yield. Some day I will play around with the ingredients and let you all know what works best… or perhaps some of you may know of delicious brands to check out?! It would be much appreciated : ) !

This chocolate granola went together in seconds and I baked it for about 15 minutes at 250F on a lined baking sheet.IMG_20130929_105421

* kamut & spelt flakes
* puffed quinoa
* cocoa powder
* liquid sweetener of choice
* coconut oil
* sunflower seeds
* maca powder (1 tsp max)

** You can really add whatever you want, this was just today’s creation.
** Also, the quantity of each ingredient is up to you. Experiment a bit!
** When making granola, bake extra so that throughout the week you will have lots to enjoy.  You can add it to so many things, or eat it on its own… and since it contains maca powder, it will help boost energy levels and relieve anxiety. How wonderful! 😀

I think I am addicted to all things BREAKFAST as I am already thinking about what to have mañana. But honestly, nothing feels better than waking up, making something WHOLESOME and DELICIOUS to start the day off right. It makes a huge difference on how your day plays out. If you start it off well-balanced then it is more likely to finish off the same way!

Peace, love and COYO Everyone! 😀

Feed your soul,

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